We don’t accept Ad creatives, Texts, Landing pages, links, and sites with explicit sex scenes, pornography, nudity, vulgar or sexual language. We might accept Dating related sites and soft creatives.
We support multiple ways to top up your ad balance. Popular methods like PayPal, crypto and others are supported. Feel free to contact us and we will suggest the best way for you, to our mutual satisfaction.
Registration is free. You can register by filling in only 3 fields on this link. Webmasters / publishers are the owners of sites, blogs, forums and web portals that display GTN native advertisements. They earn % of every click of their visitors on GTN ads that appear on their sites. No payment is required to earn as a publisher.
On the other hand, advertisers are the ones who advertise, and in order for their Ads to be displayed, they need to add money to their advertiser’s balance. But they can register without prior payment, add their first ads without paying anything. Ads will start running as soon as they are approved and the ad balance has money. Initial deposit is just $50 plus we will add a welcome bonus of $25!
GTN is a self-service advertising platform. You have complete freedom what kind of ads you run, when they will be displayed, you are free to change, pause or restart them whenever you want. There are, however, some limits in terms of products and services that may be advertised on our platform, take a look at Images and Text Guidelines OK & BAD and Web Site / Landing Page guidelines
Native Ads fit naturally ( “natively ) into existing blog content. Unlike banners that usually stand out, native Ad blocks looks more like additional “recommended content” for a visitors to read. Over time, due to extensive banner usage, people developed so called “banner blindness”. They simple start to ignore them, and as a consequence less and less advertisers were willing to spend money on banner advertising. Due to that more and more bloggers started to use Native Ads format to monetize their
blogs. Native ads are less disruptive for readers, yet very effective. Today you would hardly find any serious blog without Native Ads by at least 2 different networks.
Native Ads are basically Image and Text. Image is graphic creative that rise curiosity, while Text bellow the image is short few words text that serve as CTA – Call To Action. Both are linked to Advertiser’s Landing page, pre-landing page or Sales page. Some Advertiser use Native Ads to sell goods and services, while others look for more readers, and potentially new subscribers.
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Native Ads are grouped in blocks. Block contain a matrix of Ads from just 1 Ad (1×1 matrix ) to up to 25 Ads in a single block (5×5 matrix ). GoToNative Ad Blocks are responsive i.e. they automatically adopt to the visitor browser and screen resolution to display correctly. Publisher can further tweak Ad Blocks and change their color scheme , font, size to make them look more like a natural part of their blog.
Minimum is $50. We grant a one-time $25 welcome bonus to all new advertisers as soon as you add initial $50 to your balance.
Registration is free. You can register by filling in only 3 fields on this link. Webmasters / publishers are the owners of sites, blogs, forums and web portals that display GTN native advertisements. They earn % of every click of their visitors on GTN ads that appear on their sites. No payment is required to earn as a publisher.
On the other hand, advertisers are the ones who advertise, and in order for their Ads to be displayed, they need to add money to their advertiser’s balance. But they can register without prior payment, add their first ads without paying anything. Ads will start running as soon as they are approved and the ad balance has money. Initial deposit is just $50 plus we will add a welcome bonus of $25!
GTN short of Go To Native is a native advertising platform. On the one hand, there are advertisers who pay the price per click on their ads, which are displayed on the websites of publishers. So, publishers are people who have blogs connected to GTN so Ads of our Advertisers can be shown.
GTN makes money from its advertisers when someone clicks on Ad. The person who clicked on the advertiser’s Ad will be redirected in his/her Browser to the advertiser’s Sales page where Advertiser offers his products and services and thus increases his sales. Up to 80% of the money GTN collects from advertisers is distributed back to the webmasters (publishers) who displayed clicked Ad. The rest is the revenue of the GTN platform from which it is maintained.
All this might sound “complicated” but in the reality we take care of everything and you focus on what you love to do! If you are an advertiser all you need to do is to setup your campaign and Ads, and top up your balance. When keep focusing on your Sales and new customer. And, if you are a Publisher, all you need to do is to place a small code we gave you, once. After that focus on your business – create content for your blog, and promote your content to the general public. Both advertisers and publishers will get detailed and easy to understand statistic inside GTN Dashboard.
Native Ads fit naturally ( “natively ) into existing blog content. Unlike banners that usually stand out, native Ad blocks looks more like additional “recommended content” for a visitors to read. Over time, due to extensive banner usage, people developed so called “banner blindness”. They simple start to ignore them, and as a consequence less and less advertisers were willing to spend money on banner advertising. Due to that more and more bloggers started to use Native Ads format to monetize their
blogs. Native ads are less disruptive for readers, yet very effective. Today you would hardly find any serious blog without Native Ads by at least 2 different networks.
Native Ads are basically Image and Text. Image is graphic creative that rise curiosity, while Text bellow the image is short few words text that serve as CTA – Call To Action. Both are linked to Advertiser’s Landing page, pre-landing page or Sales page. Some Advertiser use Native Ads to sell goods and services, while others look for more readers, and potentially new subscribers.
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Native Ads are grouped in blocks. Block contain a matrix of Ads from just 1 Ad (1×1 matrix ) to up to 25 Ads in a single block (5×5 matrix ). GoToNative Ad Blocks are responsive i.e. they automatically adopt to the visitor browser and screen resolution to display correctly. Publisher can further tweak Ad Blocks and change their color scheme , font, size to make them look more like a natural part of their blog.
We don’t deal with Adult traffic at all. However there is an Adult category in our platform but that is there just in case we ever decide to do so. However with Dating and “Soft Erotic” blogs / forums based on membership we might deal. Absolute minimum of the minimum is – NO explicit nudity / pornography on any page there GTN Ads would be shown. Submit your site for moderation and we will let you know can we accept it. If it gets accepted you would see green status “Active”
Yes. As long as it is operational, has at least 5 posts and meet our Web Site / Landing Page guidelines
Publishers can be paid in several ways, depending primarily on the country of their residence, and eventual limits set by their local Country law and Bank regulations. All popular payment methods are supported – payment to the bank account, PayPal, crypto … Before your first payment, you will arrange with our support which method is the best for you.
Registration is free. You can register by filling in only 3 fields on this link. Webmasters / publishers are the owners of sites, blogs, forums and web portals that display GTN native advertisements. They earn % of every click of their visitors on GTN ads that appear on their sites. No payment is required to earn as a publisher.
On the other hand, advertisers are the ones who advertise, and in order for their Ads to be displayed, they need to add money to their advertiser’s balance. But they can register without prior payment, add their first ads without paying anything. Ads will start running as soon as they are approved and the ad balance has money. Initial deposit is just $50 plus we will add a welcome bonus of $25!
Payments are made once a week, if the minimum payout of $25 is reached. Before the first payment, it may take a little longer for our team to evaluate your traffic. Later payments will be done per NET7 terms. If your traffic is of very good quality, we will increase the % you get from each future click, or add a BONUS!
Registration of new publishers is very easy. All you need to do is to fill out short registration form. Login into your account, add a link to your site and within 24 hours, usually much faster, your site will be approved. It is not necessary to have a lot of traffic to become our partner.
The next step is to copy a short prepared “code” from inside your GTN account and place it on your site where you want GTN ads to appear. You can also use some of the Ad Managers, for example one you use for AdSense. For WordPress very good one, and free, is AdInserter, with which you can set where you want ads to appear automatically. This require just a little of your time only once and you can continue to deal with your site and bring visitors to it. You earn money from every click of your visitors on GTN ads, and you can track complete click and earnings statistics in the real time from your GTN account dashboard.
Native Ads fit naturally ( “natively ) into existing blog content. Unlike banners that usually stand out, native Ad blocks looks more like additional “recommended content” for a visitors to read. Over time, due to extensive banner usage, people developed so called “banner blindness”. They simple start to ignore them, and as a consequence less and less advertisers were willing to spend money on banner advertising. Due to that more and more bloggers started to use Native Ads format to monetize their
blogs. Native ads are less disruptive for readers, yet very effective. Today you would hardly find any serious blog without Native Ads by at least 2 different networks.
Native Ads are basically Image and Text. Image is graphic creative that rise curiosity, while Text bellow the image is short few words text that serve as CTA – Call To Action. Both are linked to Advertiser’s Landing page, pre-landing page or Sales page. Some Advertiser use Native Ads to sell goods and services, while others look for more readers, and potentially new subscribers.
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Native Ads are grouped in blocks. Block contain a matrix of Ads from just 1 Ad (1×1 matrix ) to up to 25 Ads in a single block (5×5 matrix ). GoToNative Ad Blocks are responsive i.e. they automatically adopt to the visitor browser and screen resolution to display correctly. Publisher can further tweak Ad Blocks and change their color scheme , font, size to make them look more like a natural part of their blog.
We don’t have such pre-condition. We look for quality traffic, more than quantity. Site has to have at least 5 posts, should be accessible in browser, completely operational without broken parts, and fully functional. Beside that it has to meet our minimum Web Site / Landing Page guidelines
Minimum is $25. As soon as your earnings reach $25 you may ask for a payment.